Jumat, 25 November 2016

Le Bot 8.4

Jika kalian sedang bosen main AQW-nya kalian walaupun pakai bot tapi botnya itu Dark Mystic, kalian bisa gunakan Bot/Trainer yang ini, Le Bot. Le Bot ini mempunyai fungsi dan fitur yang sama seperti Dark Mystic tapi Le Bot mempunyai fitur lainnya selain Dark Mystic yaitu Auto Bot, fitur ini banyak sekali Bot Bot Pilihan, seperti Leveling, Rank Up CP, Farming, dan Lainnya.

Fitur Auto Bot

  • Arcangrove Rep
  • Alchemy reagents
  • Ancient Vitae
  • Bamboozle vs Dudgen bot
  • Beginning the Final Bot
  • Blade of Awe bots
  • Blood Titan Tokens
  • Chaosaltar XP
  • Chronospan Rep
  • Coliseum Combatants bot
  • Combat Trophies
  • Dark Spirit Orbs
  • Dragon Talons
  • Doomwood rep
  • Dwakel Gold
  • Dwarfhold rep
  • Diamonds Of Nulgath
  • Elder's Blood potion
  • Emblem of Longevity
  • Emblem of Good Luck
  • Etherstorm Airstorm rep
  • Etherstorm war rep
  • Forestchaos gold bot
  • Fuchsia & Magenta Dye
  • Finding Fragments with Bow, Mace and Blade
  • Generic Attack Bot
  • Golden Dragon Spear
  • Golden Tickets
  • Good & Evil
  • High/Exalted Legion bots
  • Horc rep
  • Legion Exercise 1
  • Legion Exercise 2
  • Legion Exercise 3
  • Legion Exercise 4
  • Legion Insanely Insane
  • Legion SoulSeeker bot
  • Legion tokens(Soul Collector, non Soul Collector and Evil War)
  • Lycan rep
  • Mana Golem bot
  • Mirror Realm Tokens
  • Mythsong rep
  • Pay homage to Caladbolg
  • Pet Tamer Rep bot
  • Pinpoint the Pieces bot
  • Rainbow Shards
  • Rays Of Hope
  • Quick Gold bot
  • Sandsea rep
  • Shinobi Token bot
  • Soulforge BotSparrow's Blood potion
  • Spirit Orbs
  • Spirit Orbs [2]
  • Skyguard Rep[member only]
  • Supplies To Spin the Wheel of Chance
  • Tainted Gems
  • Tainted Gems[2]
  • Tainted Souls
  • Thunderforge bot[M]
  • Thunderforge Rep
  • Timeportal CP
  • Timespace XP bot
  • Totems of Nulgath
  • Totems of Nulgath bot[M]
  • Troll Rep
  • Troll + Horc
  • Ultimate weapon Kit construction
  • Undead Essence
  • Undead Pirates XP bot
  • Viper's Blood potion
  • Vampire rep
  • Yokai rep

Gunakan Kata Yang Sopan Dan Jelas
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